It was saturday afternoon, they just had lunch together and out of a sudden Darwing, my cousin, asked for permission to go to the new soccer field behind the hill with his friends. Who are you going with? , my uncle Rene asked. The father of my friend Agusto is going to drive us in his truck! That's not a truck, it is a lorry my aunt Amalia said, smiling. Darwing rushed to the corner, my uncle and aunt entered to their house and after 10 minutes somebody knocked the door desperately, there was and accident, the truck crashed and unluckily Darwing died. He was just 12 years old... after that my uncle and aunt never got over that terrible event in their lives.
Do you think that losing a son or a daughter can be the saddest event in the life of a person?
Well, I have many ideas, my mother when she was 21, she lost a daughter(the daughter didn't die), and my my mother looked for her all these years, until three years ago found, so I think that losing a child must be very painful. Exactly I don't know it, but I've saw my mother very sad.
Well I think that losing a son can be the saddest event in the life of a person because is very sad to lose a part of your life. When you have a baby your life change completely, a baby is a God´s gift and it´s necessary to take care of him. It´s very difficult to know that your child has happened an accident or something. It must be very difficult to know that you are not going to see your son again.
Well. I'm a mother and the most important person in my life is my daughter and I can't imagine my life without her. I think whe you lose a son or daughter is the most painful thing that a human can feel.
When I konw tha are some experienes or events tha makes you feel sad! =( one of them is to live without my parents because they all the time are trying to do the best for you because they love you, and a can not imagine my live without them, also lose a son or a daugter is painful too... but I don't have that feelings because I'm not a mother yet!
Well, I belive that it must be an experience terrible to anyone,and well I've never lost to a family member so I can't give a opinion about of this but I think that the death is the saddest moment in the life of a person and I never hope to have that experience.
jeremias rivera herbozo
really ,I imagine losing a child is terrible, una madre sufrira .cuando ella sabe que su hijo murio . porque el sentimiento de madre a un hijo es inexplicable. yo no tendre hijos, pero entiendo el lamento de una madre.is very sad to see a mother mourn.
i'm sorry for write in spanish, well ,i understand to a mother when she lose a son ,because for she is important a son , because is an God bless for a mother.is very sad for a mother losind a child , because my mom lost my brother long ago , and she was very sad for a long time ,i understand the mothers when lose a child , is terrible to live so very sad .
Obviously!, that has to be the worst event ever!...Anybody that has gone trough an event like this should be totally traumatized...I haven't lost anybody in my life...but I know that if I would I will be changed forever ...Soo, all and all, yeah ...losing a son or a daughter or anybody that you love is definitelly the worst thing that can happen to you .Bryan Garibay
Seven years ago i lost my younger brother.It was a saddest moment in my life.I remember that before He died, he looks terrible.He was mi brother, my friend,my confident,etc.
My mother was very sad and with frecuent terapy psicologyst for along time!I can't imagine my routine and my life without him.Sorry but i can'to continue,because i have feelings.....
I think that when a person loses a son or daughter could be one very sad moment in your life because it’s difficult to know that you aren’t going to see him/her again. Now I don’t have a son but when I’ll have one, I know that will change my life. I don’t imagine that will be of my life if I lose a son. I know a similar case, my aunt was very sad and she had to receive a therapy psychological for along time when your son had an accident. Two months later, mi cousin died. :(
i think this experience is really sad and unexplained pain, because when a person lost a mother or father are named orphan, when you lost you husband or wife, you are a widow or widower. But if you lost a son don't have name. I couldn't image such pain.
Well, I do not really know what losing a child but I do think that's sad because a child is part of your life but there are many people who lose a child and do not mind as when they are pregnant and have abortions because they simply do not I want to have. the truth is up to each person. for my is very sad
well for me is true because a son or a daughter is part of the mothers.i think when you loset an importan person is the worst that can happen.i agree with the answers because i know how to feel when you lost an important person :(
When a woman lost her husband, the people called her widow. When a woman lost her parents is called an orphan, but there any name for the loss of a child. For a mother losing a child must be very painful and very difficult to overcame, because the son or daughter is part of her life. Many times the mothers who lose a child has psychological treatment to overcome her depression
I think losing a child must be the worst pain in the life of a person. death is the most terrible experience for anyone. when my grandmother died I felt very sad because she was very important in my life. she knew to give good advice
I can't imagine the experience of the mother when she lost a child so young...:(
Well, first I want to comment about the history.
which leaves us a message
That in this life, nobody knows what might happen.
second, I think that losing a son or daughter can be the saddest event in the life of a person because a father or a mother is not prepared to lose a child.
Well, I know that losing a son, daughter or your loved one is very sad because all of the time we remember our relative.So when I was 12 years old my sister died it was awful.The first year I was depressed. I didn't want to acept the reality but now I'm feeling better. well I think it's important to stay active and positive, when your son or daughter die.
The ideas are unbelievable and the key things you said in truth, much explanation are right and I think you ought to be better, and good luck in your life.
Fantastic story, really interesting, thank you for the post.
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