There are always different personal experiences about dating. We sometimes have great dates but in others we don't really enjoy them. Some people plan everything, they get tickets for a concert or they study a mini speech, others memorize a poem. What about your experiences? What is the PERFECT date for you?
In my opinion,my perfect date,first hi picks me up from my house,second we choose the place usually we like to go to the movies at Cineplanet,after that we take a walk en Mega Plaza we always eat Lucuma ice cream i like it so much,next we go have dinner,i prefer "pollo a la brasa" with a pictcher at Pisco Souwer,I always split the bill,finally we return home.
In my opinion, my perfect date. First, I pick her up and take a walk. Second, I take her to the cinema. I pay the movie. I take her to the restaurant with live music. She likes "Pollo a la brasa" and pizza. I like pizza. After that, I speak of my life and she speaks of her life. Finally, we return home.
My Perfect Date
In my opinion my perfect date is in a modern and beautifull restaurant.
First I pick her up and I always buy a present for her. Second I take her to the cinema. I pay the movie and she pays the soda and the pop corn. After that I take her to the restaurant. She likes the chicken but I like the pizza. She takes me for a walk to the park for two hours, I speak of my life and she speaks of her life. Then I take her to Plaza Norte. Finally I take her home by taxi.
Katherine Hernandez Carita
In my opinion, my perfect date is on especial day, is on only experience. First he pick me up of my house. Second we go to park of love in Miraflores. We see the landscape beatiful. Then we speak of our sentiments. After that we go to at Arcomar, is beatiful.We go to al Cine Planet. Next we go to at discotec in Los Olivos. Finally we return home.
Im my opinion to perfect date firts pick up from my house in her car whith a bouquet of red roses, second go to romantic dinner by candlelight, after that dedicate a poem, next dance with live music and finally retuning home.
for my, my perfect date is in a park,first, he has call me one week before, second he has pick up me, then go to eat, we split the bill, after that go to walk, next like me of gifts a big bear and finally, he has to take me to my house.
In my opinion, the perfect date is special and beautiful.
first hi picks me up from my house, second, we go together a romantic table in a restaurant, with candles, and romantic music, decorate with red flowers.
after we dance.Next we walk by shore in the beach and finally take me to from my house.
The perfect date alot of times it depends on what the girl likes. Personally, i like really romantic dates. Like walks on a beach at sunset and romantic dinners.
Well i like that he picks me up to my home and go out with him. i like spend time, a long time together,some details, maybe he brings me a teddy bear, red rouses or another special gifts. First have lunch at a special restaurant. Second i'd like go to a cinema, laugh together, then maybe go to a park, "special park" like a "love park" and talk about himself and myself, take a walk in larcomar around the beach and see the ocean at sunset. At night i'd like go dance just with him, only us. Finally he takes me to my home and he hugs me before he retunrs at his home.
For me my perfect date always is something romantic, first, I give her a flower and invite her to walk for the park,second I propose the weekend go at see a movie at cinemark then, we ask permission at her father, on the weekend I pick it up in my car new and let's see her movie favorite after that finish the movie, let's a romantic dinner in the restaurant much expensive from every Lima, I speak stuff beautiful with she and I express the sweet and tender that is and that I feel very happy when I'm with her. Next, we take his house in my car finally dismissal with one kiss in the face
Gabriela Aponte CHiroque.
In my opinion,my perfect date,First he pick me up of my house in taxi whith a bouquet of red rose, we choose the place usually we like to go to the movies at Cine,after that we take a walk,ir a la cena romántica luz de las velas ,finally we return home.
First I pick her up, I usually buy a gift for her, she receives with a smile.
I love her smile!
Second we go to the cinema for see a perfect movie
Next we go to eat at a romantic table with candles. I express that I feel very happy when I'm with her
Finally we go to her house go to home,then I go to my home very happy
In my opinion,my perfect date,is very special.First pick up from my house in her car whith a bouquet of red roses, second go to romantic dinner by candlelight, after that dedicate a poem, next dance with live music and finally we return home is very fantastic with my boyfriends.
In my opinion my perfect date is very important.First i pick her up.second i bring the gift the big beer then we watch the romantic movie at cineplanet, I all say.
next we take walk for the park of love.
finally i take she to house with taxi.
Hi teacher Ruben...! Well, My Perfect date... first; I pick her up give her flowers; second, go to the park of love by taxi; then; we go to the movies at CinePlanet; next, go eat chicken at "La Choza Nautica", their food is very delicious; after that, I take her home by taxi, and finish, I say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek.
In my opinion, my perfect date,I pick up the first of my house in his car he gave me flowers and chocholate, second go for a walk watching the sunset from the beach then watch a romantic movie at cinemark, next anger to dinner at a nice restaurant romantic background music listening that eventually leads me to my house and say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek .
In my opinion my perfect date is on beautiful and special day . First I often give gifts and I invite her go out to walk for Barranco park or go out see to the movie at Cinemark. Second with previous permit of her parents I take her to see an romantic movie because I like to the movies.Then I sometimes split the bill or I often pay when is need after that we go out to walk somwhere or eat special meal at luxury restaurant next while we walk at Barranco park I buy things beautiful and I say phrases beautiful and interesting and finally I take her to home and I invite her go out on the next weekend at concert and I dismiss with a kiss in the check.
In my opinion my perfect date is on beautiful and special day . First I often give gifts and I invite her go out to walk for Barranco park or go out see to the movie at Cinemark. Second with previous permit of her parents I take her to see an romantic movie because I like to the movies.Then I sometimes split the bill or I often pay when is need after that we go out to walk somwhere or eat special meal at luxury restaurant next while we walk at Barranco park I buy things beautiful and I say phrases beautiful and interesting and finally I take her to home and I invite her go out on the next weekend at concert and I dismiss with a kiss in the check.
In my opinion, my perfect date is of the following way: First, I give her a bunch of red flowers with a little teddy bear. Second, I take her to the Park of Love in Barranco to see the ocean. Then, We see a romantic movie in Larcomar. After that, I take her a restaurant to romantic dinner with two red candles and a red flower.
Next, We take a walk under moon's light. Finally, I take her to her home and I say good bye with a kiss on her cheek!.
i never gave any one a date but i really wants to do this but i have no girl friend but i really like your topic thats why i comment on it...
In my opinion I like romantic dates.
My perfect date…
He picks me up from my house and he opens up my door, second we go to Larco Mar and we see the sunset together, while watching the sunset we talk about our feelings, then he takes me by the hand and take a walk around the beach, after that I’d like to go to cinema for see a romantic comedy movie then we go to eat something tasty. Finally he takes me to my home and he tells me how much he loves me before he returns at his home.
i think that my perfect date is in the beach at sunset , a candlelit dinner, and romantic music . In the beach because i would like stay near to sea , listening to birds , etc.
In first place,he pick me up of my house and there he give me flowers or chocolates , then he and me go at Asia together and in there we talk about our feelings . of our interested in some things ; what he like and what i like after we eat a delicious dish he says that he loves me and he says : do you want to stay with me ? o.O and I say yes Of course !!! Finally he takes me to my home and he hugs me before he returns at his home.
This day will a beautiful day :)
well in my opinion , my perfect date is in the beach with the perfect boy ,with romantic music .
but, before he go to my house and give me flowers or chocolates, then we go to a romantic place (the beach)and we talk about our feelings and in a romantic moment he look me and with a sweet voice he says that he loves me and then he says : do you want to stay with me, and I very happy answer YES!!! and for the perfect final a romantic kiss .
this is my perfect date .
well for me the perfect date should be in the beach with the perfect boy ,with romantic music.
but before he should come to my home and give me flowers or chocolates then we have a romantic dinner and after we go to the beach and we tolk about our feelings and while we walk in a romantic moment he says : I LOVE YOU , DO YOU WANT TO STAY WITH ME ? and i very happy answer: YES !!!
My perfect date was with my boyfriend when we went to Larco mar and we saw the sunset together while was watching the sunset we talked about our feelings, then he took me by the hand and we took a walk around the beach, after that we went to saw a romantic comedy movie, we had a lot of fun then we went to eat something tasty. Finally he takes me to my home and he tells me how much he loves me before he returns at his home. Everything was so amazing.
My worst date was when my boyfriend arrived late so I got very upset, and then he took me to a not very nice place, after that when we finished having dinner I had to pay because he forgot his wallet at home.
My ideal date
In my opinion I like romantic dates. My ideal date should be with the perfect boy and I don’t mean only his physical appearance also his personality.
In first place He picks me up to my house and I would like that he gives me flowers or chocolates, then we go to romantic dinner with candlelight while eating the meal we talk about us, after that I would like he dedicate a romantic song and dance together with this song. Finally he takes me to my house and hugs me.
In my opinion men, allways should pay the bill, in my first date my boyfriendpaid the bill in the restaurant and discotec.
I allways pay the bill when I go out with my friends and my family.
I usually go to restutant, movies, discotec, coffee shop with my boyfriend and he pays the bill.
Hello teacher Ruben!!!
In my opinion, my perfect dates is very beautifull and romantic. First, he picks me up from my home. Second, we go to a special place for a romantic dinner. I gives me flowers or chocolates. Next, we will walk and talk about our lives. Finally, we return house.
On the first date he pay. After, in other dates split the bill, each person 50%.
In my opinion, my ferfect date,is very special for me.First he picks me up from my house with a pink rose and chocolates.Then go to the beach and to drawn hearts in the sand.After that, build bonfires.Next, listen to romantic music under moon's light.Finally, we return at home and say I love you! with a kiss.
In my dates,I always split the bill.I don't like he pays for everything.
Is my opinion my perfect date.First,I take her t the restaurant elegant.I will let her talk about herself,whatt is she doing,what she would like to do in the future and tell her that I'll always be there to help her in whatover she is needed.then,we i go to a beautiful park where we can relax and continue to talk about her.I'll invite her something delicious,like a dessert.
at night,I'll have dinner with her at another elegant restaurant,whit candles on the table with a big and red rose.I'll change the music to a romantic one.I'll abuiously pay werything At the end, I'll buy a big and beautiful bear for her,Finally.I'll drive her home.
Moises Eduardo Cabrera Aparicio: I think the first date should be very romantic and interesting. First we go to the movies, then we go to restaurant ;next to we walk to a somewhere... and finally we return house... she first and I next...!
Moises Eduardo Cabrera Aparicio: I think the first date should be very romantic and interesting. First we go to the movies, then we go to restaurant ;next to we walk to a somewhere... and finally we return house... she first and I next...!
My perfect date would go to a quiet place like the beach and see the sunset, talking in private, then go grab a coffee or go out dancing. I like my partner is so timely because I see he has interest in my
In my opinion my perfect date, is a dinner romantic.
first he gift a bouquet of roses,second go to a dinner romantic candlelight. I say poems for her,would give him a kiss.
then go to watch romantic movie. Finally we go to her house ,then I go to my home very happy.
My opinion my perfect day would be a weekend where you can be next to people who most want it to always be with me and these people are my cousins step all weekend with them. we will eat, go out dancing and best of all is that we are united
in my opinion my perfec date.first,i pick me up at my house , second go to a niece restaurant. then go see a romantic movie or walk on the beach .
finally take me to my house in his car.
In my opinion,my perfect date is,I go to the movies with my friends,I go out my special friends,also a romantic dinner with candles and flowers.
I go to the park, Talk about our interesting and concerns,finally I take her home by taxi.
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