Interesting topics of our times. Can you imagine a nanobot entering to your blood torrent, going to a specific ill organ, localize a cancerigious cell or tissue and eliminate it? Would it be possible some day? Can you imagine a robomaid, doing ALL of your housechores? Take a look at the links about this topics here in the blog and post your comment or opinion about one of them.
in my opinion that's a great idea! the nanobots 're a more specific advance in the tecnology by the humans, i know that the nanotecnology is not so far in our future the nanotecnology is real and everytime is close to us. The robots are another kind of tecnology the robotic today we can see in japan and other countries how are the robots, the can do our lifes more easy keep teaching that kind of things! there's something interesting! see you!
i think it'd be a fantastic invent.
the nanobots will be very important in the medicine world because they will help to the doctors to detect differents deseases.and about robomaid. you can program them and they will do things that you cuoldn`t do..
I think that the nanobots are good in this cases [the medicine] they can save our lives detecting the disease [cancer or others]curing them for eve, but if happens a problem with the nanobots it can be dangerous for the pacient and also the person can die. So I am agre with the technology but i also think that this experiments must be very carefully for the security of the pacient and the satisfaction of the doctor.
in my opinion the nanobots in the future can be helpful because not only could help locating any cancer cells that we have in the body but could also help improve our quality of life, for example could help regenerate any tissue or organ has been damaged in our life or regenerate that tissue could also be found to be defective and cause us some sort of disability, eg hearing, sight, etc..
well I think this invention is very interesting because the nanobots are a good idea because it can save many lives and I think it is easier for doctors because they can detect cancer or other disease faster and no longer would be very dangerous to cure these I also believe that diseases will be possible to someday become a reality this.
I think it's very interesting, because science is moving more and more. Nanotechnology promises new and more efficient solutions for human medicine and always in search of a better quality of life.
I can to imagine a nanobot entering or localize cancerigious cells or another ill organ because the technology in this last time is becoming samller. It be possible some day, the nanotechnology will be present in this most of the devices of the future. I've saw in Japan robomaid doing housechores, is commun there...This technology is undoubtedly the future. Joselyn Seminario Peña
i think if nanobot would be a fact it will help a lot to the medicine world, but it is still developing. this kind of technology are developing in countries like Japan, USA and some others trying to advance more and more in techonology and to make people's life quality better.
I think that invent is a good idea because nonobots will be very useful in order to humanity.
that invent is more popular i can see a nanobot in a lot of films or games but it is not reality.
scientifics do fantastic invents but they can´t do still nanobots.
the nanobots are necessary for the world!
in my pinion the nanobots are the best because they can salve our life when we have problems in our body they can heal us.The nanobots are the most important advancement of the technology .The robots are the best too.Because they can use in emergency like a calopse,earthquake, when the people are in danger also they can help us.Also they can help us when we have some duties and we can´t make them because we are busy.
I think that robots in general are so useful! they make the human's life easier in all the cases,such as robots doing housechores, robots rescuing, robots and nanobots use to help in medicine...and pet robots that help interacting with kids. Robots that do housechores are very convinient to busy people. And more that robots, human are more intelligent because they created it…
CanDy GraCe VasQuez CalDerOn
I think that's very fantastic because so people may perhaps be cured without pain and disease that are difficult and risky, also may be a novel method and good for people in need these methods of nanotecnology such as
elderly people who do not resist an operation could also heal quickly to not wait months to years to determine whether the operation works correctly.
Ana Justo Gomez
Wow! I think the nanotechnology can help people with carcinogens problems or others. It would save many lives. Before, nobody thought that it can be real except in science fiction movies!
Well I think the robomaid can help people. But in my opinion it would make people become more lazy because it will do everything that people have to do.
Technology is good, but it's not better than humans.
Recent technological developments are great demonstrations of human intelligence as well as their physical efforts. The man with his innovative inventions has created a radical technological breakthrough, and I think all of these advances have been made with the purpose of finding solutions
to solve difficulties in the world of work and looking to make life faster, easier, fun and dynamic.
Robots are important inventions for humans and these are the most sophisticated technological advances nowadays. It's very interesting to know that human beings are possessed of great intelligence and this intelligence has enabled man to build these machines so complex. I think robots are extraordinary inventions that have given great satisfaction to humans with its high performance and power of work, the robots are striking because their abilities to perform diverse and difficult work, have been useful for societies to achieve social progress and economic.
However, I think that the great efficiency of the robots have also created some problems in the world, as the emergence of the large number of unemployed and idle and lazy people in the world because these machines work more perfectly and quickly,depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution.
About nanotechnology, I think that these inventions are special and almost perfect. I think that the nanobots have been the most important creations and more useful to humans. Just imagine a power nanobot entering my bloodstream, and this is able to locate and remove any diseased organ with no problem, I might consider that this is fantastic and the best technological advancement. I think these nanobots in the future not only be of great help to cure certain diseases, these medicines will also be more efficient to relieve people with critical illnesses, almost impossible to cure.
The technology in the future not only depends on the capabilities of these machines to work, rather the technology will depend on the way to how humans use these advances in welfare and betterment of their own lives, and not for their own self-destruction.
Lenibet Segovia Ramírez - B.12
I think that robots are important because they can help us in various fields, both at work and in housework.
good humans ever surprises us to innovate something new that is beneficial to many people
and revoluvion of nonatechnology that will benefit us in the field of medicine.
its goal is to locate and eliminate cancerous cells, healthy cells untouched.
this is so interesting!
great information, thanks for sharing it......:)
I think it is very interesting because this tecnology is great and you could heal to everybody with any sick so It would be amazing. Also it is not so far and in the future life will be easier.
Good work Keep posting, Thanks
In my opinion u sucks.
by Carlos M.
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