So many rules and pieces of advise had been said or given about this topic. Why is it so difficult to understand women? Why are men so careless about details and romance? I remember one of my dates, she was the perfect woman, so neat and beautiful, but she was scratching her hair the whole night!How embarrasing but she didnt even notice that detail. What about your dates? What about internet dating? Have you tried it already? Do you remember one date that went just terrible wrong? or the one that went so well that you always remember!
I never had a date by intenert because I think that this way of obtaining a date is not romantic and also I never had a date with someone I know recently, well I think I'm young to have that kind of date that I think. but I would like to have an date so.
I've never tried the Internet dating because I disagree with it. For one thing, i don't know the person and I don't know his personality. For another, I don't know if he is sincere with me.
Well, I think that the traditional way of dating is the best. First of all, I know the person. Second of all, I can spend a lot of time with him. Third of all, he can show me how is he and especially i can know how is his personality.
I still haven´t had a terrible date and i hope i never have one.
well, I'm 15 years old and I never had a internet dating , i think it's too dangerous because you don't know if the person is a woman or man and that person can be a murderer or a rapist .
for another viewpoint it can be very convenient because you can talk with a lot of people around the world and talk about a lot of things
I'd like to have an internet dating but i don't have a lot of time to plan it.
i might do it in the future but with precaution ,
and if you still thinking that it's too dangerous, you can use traditional ways like meet people around your city.
i think traditional ways is the safest way to meet someone.
My worst date
I have a bad experience with a girl from my neiborhood, she was attractive girl and i invited to stroll through lima downtown.That day she was dressed too provocatively, wearing a very short dress and a blouse with a high neckline.
The problem came later when some bad guys (4 guys) began to bother her, Iwas very uncomfortable with the situation but she was calm. The same problem happened in different places.
Unfortunately I could not stand the situation and had to fight with one of them.
The result: a black eye and sore arm
I have good and bad memories of my dates. When i was 16 years old i met a boy , he seemed a very nice guy, one day we went with some friends to Chosica and we were having fun, then he disappeared and i went looking for him and i saw him with one of my friends, i was very upset and when we arrived to Lima i broked up with him , he called me a lot but i didn't answer the phone. i often sow him but i didn' talk with him.
But now i have a relationship with an amazing guy, we've been together for 4 years and i 'm very happy.
my best date ..!!!!
I think my best date was when my boyfriend and I had firts started dating. He took me to the beach. when we got there we walked, everything was so nice. we could see the ocean, after that he took me out to eat. the conversation was good and there were a lot of laughs. we had a lot of fun and the food was very good.
I felt really close to this person.........
Then we went to see the romantic movies. It was so cute and it was a perfect ending to our date.
Thanks for the best date....=)
Iris Quispe Contreras
My best date was the last year. I remember that day was terrible because I had some problems in my house, when suddenly one of my friends called me and invited me to go out. When he saw me sad, he talked me and tried to makes me happy, so he took me to the beach because he knows that is my favourite place, we boarded in a boat, and we saw amazing places. He comforted me and gave me some advices. After that, we walked on the sand and played with the water. The best end was when he hugged me and kissed me. Now he is my boyfriend and I love him.
My best date!!!
I had my best date when I was 18 years.
One day,my classmate at the University invited me to have dinner. I agreed to go out with him because he was an intelligent and polite boy, he really liked me.
We went to an elegant restaurant in Larco Mar, it was very nice because I could see the sea and the stars in the sky.He gave me a teddy bear and aked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend,I said yes and I felt happy.
Everthing was fantastic,we enjoyed spending time together,we got along well.
He died two years ago in a car accident,but I still can´t get over him.
My best Date. It was eight months ago. I met a beautiful girl through going out with friends. We went to a restaurant to have lunch,after that we decided to go to the cinema to see a romantic film. We enjoyed spending time together. Nowadays I have a relationship with her,we have many things in common. We keep in touch by calls,text messages and we get along well. I think be sincere,friendly,have a good look and be handsome is the best way to attract someone.
In my opinion, internet daiting is not the right way to find a partner, first of all, you don't really know the person and second of all, a relationship by internet could be perfect but when you are face to face with that person is not the same.
Well, I can say that my dates are always succesfull with one or two exceptions.
My best date was with my best friend when we were in High School. we went to the movie teather. Then we ate pizza, we had a good time together. the date was great, very relaxing and casual.
Well I never had a date or I never try to meet people on the internet. First of all I think it is dangerous because you don't know if the person is a female o male maybe the person is lying. Second of all I don't know if they tell the truth or if they are sincere maybe are criminals and I'd be very afraid.
My best date was two years ago...it was soo romantic and was a simple date. I remenber tha date was in the house of the boy, he decorated all the living room whit candles and a lot of balloons in shape of hearts whit my name. We ate a delicious dinner and we talked about our plans and give me a beautiful ring. I like this date because he organized all alone and I like his effort.
Teacher, I couldn't create my account. I tried to do it many times. This is my comment:
I remember my date. I met Diego in Ica because I traveled to visit . Well, we went to the cinema and we ate pop corn and some soda.The worst part was when he talked on his cellphone very laud I think he was scream or sing but not All the cinema said : "Shet up Ok? Do you know that we see this movie?" and I felt embarased and I got out very quickly.I don't know what happened with him after that.
Samanta Caballero Guillen.
My worst date was 2 years ago, she was a pretty girl, but that day she was with a terrible cold and sneezed a lot, we could not do anything, because she was in a bad mood, and we discussed all the time, then I propuce her to go out together another day and she became upset and she told me: Am I boring you? I think so, do not call me. bye, and she went home very upset and she left me alone.... It was terrible.
I remember my worst date. It was with a handsome man. I think it´s incredible to believe. He was my best friend´s friend. He´s worn very well. His style was casual and elegant too. He asked me out on a date. I wasn´t sure but i accepted. We´ve gone a bar. That place was ugly. He´s talked a lot but he´s used foul language. It was terrible. I didn´t want to hear him. Then he started to drink a lot of beer and he´s gotten drunk. I was very upset and I returned my home alone.
my best date
I have had my best date with a cute boy. I remember that day I was nervous. He called my house and invited me go out. We spent a good day and we enjoyed our date. First, We went to the movies. He asked me what movie I wanted to see. I was very happy and I chose a romantic movie. After the movie, we have already planned to go to disco. Way to the disco, he saw a man sell a lot of balloons. He has bought a heart balloon for me. That detail was very nice.
My best date:
all started when I met my friend's cousin in a party. He was very attractive and funny with me.. and we talked a lot about us while we were dancing ..until he invited me go out.
this was my first date with a boy ... I was very nervous but this day was very amazing because first when he arrived he surprised me with a very cute plush doll and then we walked along the "costa verde" and we went to a romantic restaurant and finally we went to the club The day was full of surprises while we enjoyed spending time together
well my best date was perfect (for me)first we went to the movies after that we went to eat an ice cream and finally we come back to my house and we said good bye with a nice kiss (jaja) for me was the perfect date because first of all he wasn't late for the date, second of all he was loking at me all the time and no others girls (Ihate that) third of all he bougth what ever I wanted in that momen
my worst date...
I'll never forget my worst date ever...
Last year, I know a guy by the internet. He told me he was handsome and he also said he had a good personality..
So 2 months later we decided to go out. I think it was a romantic idea, but when I arrive to the place, I could't find that guy. :( he put the picture of another guy in his account in messenger, he wasn't sicere with me, we talk and I noticed that his personality was terrible, He got angry easily with simple things. I thik I won't go out in a date with someone I met at the internet, not anymore. For one thing, I prefer to go out with a guy that I know his personality. For another I don't know if this person is going to lie to me again.
My worst date!
Two years ago I had a date by internet. We have talked for 2 months after that he asked me out on a date in this time we haven´t talked a lo of but I agreed to go out with him. It wasn´t special because we had nothing in common he liked to listen to cumbia and reggaeton music and I don´t like them. His clothing was very casual he wore a big shirt and wide shorts also he talked a lot about his ex-girlfriend. I think when someone has a date is inappropriate to talk about it. Well after that I have deleted of my msn and happily I told him that I didn´t have cell phone =).
This is my coment:I've never tried to meet people online, first of all I think is really dangerous because you don't know the person and also nothing about the personality of that person, this person can tell you a lot of things , but you do not know if it really is so because has no direct communication with this, second of all can be a person who wants to hurt you or you just want to use and you can risk only for wanting to experience a internet dating.
I prefer the usual way to meet people.
It was with my girlfriend, we went to a restaurant in San Miguel, she arrived late, I am not patient, that was the reason I was upset. I had waited twenty minutes next to Plaza San Miguel. I asked her why she had arrived tardy. She told me that she thought that I would be late and she met with a friend in the car and started talking about her mother’s party. Of course, I can not believe it. I had prepared a romantic date, it was going to be a dinner with romantic music next to a big picture that I knew she liked because she was painter. Well, in fact I had promised myself. I would give her something that she had never lived. She started the best part when she said “I love you”. I did not know what to do because I hadn’t heard that phrase yet. I mean, I thought that my heart beats faster around her, and that day I wanted to realize that It would be the true love. I think It was perfect, not because It was expensive or something out of common, instead of that it was simple, elegant and very romantic. And I learned that kind of things attracted to women.
It happened with my girlfriend. I felt in love with her and now I love her and every day more. However, we had a horrible date, for me the worst. She spilled some wine on my suit. I got upset because I was telling her that her cup of wine was going to fell down. She didn’t want to hear me. I haven’t had a worse date yet. I only say that that was my worst date.
One day, I watched a big restaurant in Hong Kong. As soon as I saw that restaurant, I thought why don`t we go to that restaurant when I finished my career to get engaged with my girlfriend. It would be perfect and unforgetfull for her and for me. That would be my dream and perfect day.
well, I never had a date with somebody, nowadays for many persons that can be weird although I think that is most important my studies so the love can wait. If one day I fall in love first, I would like to have a sincere boyfriend with good personality, so before we need to be friends. In my opinion a internet dating is a little dangerous, you dont know if the person say the truth or the lie.
Well, In my opinion I disagree with internet dating. First of all is too dangerous because nowadays many people use the internet dating for hurt people for example: kidnapping,Violations, etc. , Second of all you don’t know anything about this person, maybe is a woman or man and the most important you don’t know about his personality and intentions.
*In conclusion I think traditional ways is the safest way to meet someone.
My perfect date was when my boyfriend and I went to Larco mar and we saw the sunset together while was watching the sunset we talked about our feelings, then he took me by the hand and we took a walk around the beach, after that we we went to saw a romantic comedy movie, we had a lot of fun. Everything was so amazing.
I've never tried an internet dating, because I think it can be a really dangerous choice. In a date you have to give a lot of information to the other person, and I can't give a lot of information of myself to a person that I've never met in my entire life; and I can't even trust in the other person because he or she can be a kiddnapper or a robber.
Well, I think is better to have to date with a person that you've already know! Beacuse is going to be more secure and also, the both of us are going to pass a really good time with each other.
I think that it can be a great resource for the persons who are shy but nevertheless I not agree with it .In the first place because you don´t really know his intentions and in the second place because I believe that the persons who enter to this service look algun for end, for which I believe that it encloses to a world of lies and falsehoods
I totally desagree with internet dating because you don't know who is the real person. who you are talking maybe he or she can be a drug dealer or maybe a rapist so ii is very dangerous.Also i prefer meet a person face to face because For one thing you are sure who the person is For another thing is more romantic and tradicionaly.
well,I`m 16 years old.I`ve had accepted dating by internet bacause for me it`s not romantic and also i don`t know how the other person. In all my life I`ve had tree date with my friend at cibertec.I only remember a date that was horrible.Three month ago,my friend sergio invited me to lunch after the class and i acceped it so many friend saw us together and then all had lunch together but my friend sergio paid it all. I was embarrased with sergio and I was angry with my friends.that was the worst day of my life so this date I`ve never accepted invitation for the lunch.
XD pamela tapara
I had my best date,when i was 16 years..First of all I met an intelligent and friendly guy..He invited me to go out .The date was wonderfull.Second of all We went to the disco,after we ate a delicious pizza.We enjoyed a happy day together.The date was with guy correct and at the time correct.
I had the opportunity to have conversations with many people from Peru and other countries through Internet. But I never intended to have a relationship or on a date. I think this is not sure, because you do not know the person you're talking about, may be that this person does not have good intentions with you, also you could do damage. I prefer to date someone who Knows, I would feel more comfortable and safer.
I had a good experience at my first on a date, I was 15 years old, we studied in high school, My friends introduce him. Also I remember that He every day waited me after school, both had many common interests, like music, movies and food, But, unfortunately he went to study at the University and I can´t saw him more. I only want to where he is well.
i have never had a date by internet because i think that is not romantic and it is dangerous too , In first place , i don't know who is the person , I don't know his past , his family , or his personality. For another, I don't know if he is sincere with me ;maybe he lie me . He can say : im fifteen years old too but in the real life he is 24 years old .
I need look him in the eyes because ,i feel that the eyes say the true.
Also i have watched on the tv a lot of cases of these types , " dates by internet" and in the majority of cases the people are hijackers or only use them for differents things . It is terrible for me :S
. i would like to stay with a person who i know him well.
i prefer a date in a beach , near to sea and listening romantic music with him =)
It is nice and romantic =)
Well, I've never had a date by Internet, because In the first place simply you don't know the person in the other side of the computer.
Maybe if you're a girl and you have a date with other person by Internet, maybe the person is a girl too.
And if you're boy, thhe other can be a boy too. Oh my god!!!!
You're having a date with a person of the same sex.
And in the second place you have too meet aperson face to face to know better.
well I never had a date by internet because in some cases is unsafe and I never tried It. I prefer my date in face to face. I'm not very detailed in my dates. but I always try to be romantic. I also don't understand women but some day I'm going to understand women I know!!
Well, I never had a date but I would like to have... But I remember when I went to megaplaza whit my friends and I met a beatiful girl but she smelled bad that's so terrible... But I don't consider it how a date so I would like to have an date whit someone but only girl:D ....
Well, I've only had a date in my life because for perhaps worry more about my studies or work in the museum gave me no time for that, but it was a special moment for me was perfect I didn't mind his behavior, he was amazing, Now we're only friends.I've never had a date online and I don't think to have it.
hello!techer well abuot the hitch movie I think hitch is a good person and he likes to helps People who does not feel secure with themselves.but he should be Sincere and talk about his work with Sara from the beginning to not have problems later in conclusion I think love comes when you don´t waiting and love must start with great friendship.
see you later...
Well, I think both are very important but very diferents.
For one thing women are compassionate and she give good advice,She always help you in any things..For another men are stronger physically but they feel the best because they don`t
want to cry in front of the woman
It`s very bad for me but in conclusion they feel the love
I really desagree with internet dating because you don't know who is the real , maybe that person is not sincere with you totally , and
in the deta he or she can abuse your self so is really dangerous and i prefer the dates face to face .
uhm, well I have a lot of date with diferents boys and I can see diferents personality also diferents people ...
well sometimes , the guy ( who is dating with me ) is very shy and I hate when we have the typical "moment of silence" because we don't know that talking.
or the guy who love himself and I never can talk . or the guy who always talk about his EX girlfriend
and he don't know which is my name .... for those little things is that many appointments I haven't
Well, I think the best way to start a relationship is the slow way. Maybe I’m an old-fashioned girl… First of all, I guess people should be friends before the start dating, because you can learn about the person, and if you want to start dating that’s ok. Second of all I don’t think Internet dating is a good idea because on the computer you can’t judge a person, because people can tell you their good qualities and abilities for example “I’m tall and handsome. Also I’m well built. I have blue eyes and blond hair”, I think it's a little dangerous. In the first place they don’t tell you their bad habits or bad things about them, and in the second, how can you know if it’s true? Maybe it’s true or false, so you can’t know about them. Most people say “Personality is the most important quality to me when I’m dating” but sometimes that’s not true because the majority of people look for pretty girls or handsome boys so that’s not completely true. I believe in this phrase I heard in class, "Good looks are important, but beauty isn’t everything".
I think the man is careless about the details because in the first place, men are rough by nature. In the second, most women are more sensitive than men, and any details that a man would ignore, might affect them.
I don't agree with an internet dating. For one thing, you can't know the feelings and emotions of another person. For another, The identity of the anothet person can be false.
I never had a date by internet because for me is so dangerous, because you don't know who is the person ,maybe is a bad person or had bad habits. I prefer had a date face to face because is most funny and you can learn more about the person :)
Well, I think the slow and old_fashioned way is best to start a great relationship. First of all, I guess people should start a friendship first before they start a relationship. Second of all, I think if the person like you and you know all about him or her it's ok. I think the internet can help you find love a lot faster. Many men and women have tried finding a partner over the internet, but I think it's better ,and even easier, to meet dates whitout technology. For one thing, I guess on the computer ,a person can tell you all of their great qualities, and leave out the bad points. What happens if you don't know the real person?. For another, I think you can spend a lot of time meeting guys that you really don't get along with. I think, another way to start a relationship is when you go out with a group of friends. For one thing ,I guess that is more fun and for another, I think that feels more natural and not so stressful. Also I think you can learn about his or her personality, but in a relaxed way , whith no pressure.
In my opinion, nobody is perfect and we can spend our whole life looking for the perfect person, but this is a big mistake.
I remember when I was younger I usually thought how my boyfriend or future husband would be, but when I fell in love I realized that he wasn't the person who I had dreamed but I could find beautifull everything in him even his faults.
So, now I understand, love or a date is not complicated if you find the right person.
I have never tried internet dating for one thing,it is dangerous because you can meet with a killer or somenthing like that. For another, love is a very special feeling and the best way to find it is in a personal date, face to face.
I have funny memories of my firt internet date .Last years I was meet one boy ,he lived in Milaflores and he has 17 years old ,I knew him only be internet. Every days I told with him,some days I fell nervios because He asks my number of cellphone but I never said me number Firt of all I knew only be internet I don`t know if he has the age that he tell me Second of all I never bring my number It`s very dangeruos and I don`t know if he is a good person .But one day he asks me to go at cinema and I accept.After the date I was feel very good becuase I knew that he never laid me ,he tell me all the true. Now heis me best friend unfortunately we couldn`t be in love because we learn that we were family It`s was terrible but I feel very happy because he is a wonderful person and I feel good becuase is my cousin .
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