That is a good question. There are many things that make me happy;for example when I spend time with my family or when I travel to Moyobamba, my home town, on my vacations. There are sad moments too. I feel sad when somebody in my family is sick or has an accident.When I am nervous, I usually blush or smile a lot. And I am angry when people lie to me. And what about you?
hi teacher. that anecdote!!
Iam happy when I go out with friends.. maybe we are always laughing at many jokes. I am sad when I see my sick pet, my dog cries a lot. maybe my dog has a pain in her stomach, is that my dog is very old... Iam angry when my sister takes my clothes, I and Iam cry when Tam sad ... yell at my sister!!. Iam cry when Iam sad . maybe My parent punish me for some mischief.. and Iam nervous when speaking in front of the clasmates, my hands shake ..So if you are embarrassed.. =) Mirian carbajal basic 5
Hi teacher:
There are many things that make me happy, When I spend time with my family and my friends or When take very good grades in college.I´m sad when I´m sick or when I argue with my mom. I sometines cry,when I´m sad. I´, angry when people take my things and lie. I´m nervous, I always play with my hands. (pamela Olivera Saavedra- B-05)
Nataly Gupioc
I am happy when I spend time with my boyfriend. We go to dance at disco on the Satudary evnening with our clasmates of to work. Also I am happy when I spend time with my family on Sunday. We go to eat to restaurant. I like peruvian food.
I am sad. I am criying. When I argue with my mother. Also when I don`t look to my boyfriend because I don`t have time on the weekdays only on the weekends.
I am angry. When my friends say lies. I hate lies.
I am nervous when I speak in frent of my clasmates in the class. I embarrassed...
Nataly Gupioc
Hi teacher:
I feel happy when i spend good moments with my family. I feel sad when i get low grades. I feel angry when I lost time instead to study.
When I feel ungry or sad i cry besause i can't avoid it.
When I am nervous I start to temble or embarrased.
Jessica Gamero
Basic 05
Hi teacher:
I am happy when I spend time with my family, with my friends and with my boyfriend, when the things go out well, when the persons that I love are happy. I am sad when I fight with my dad, I am sad when I fight with my dad and when sometimes I shout my sister or when she this sick. I am angry when the persons that I love say lie or when the things do not go out well, when I am nervous, the hands sweat and I speak very down.
I am makes me happy ,In my bredroom ,I relax.
Spend time with my family or when
I go the movies with my boyfriend
I travel I play on the computer.
I am sad when my mom yells I
sad when someone has an accident of family.
I get angry when someone lies.
I am sad when Im sick .when I'm angry
I have to crying because if don't hurt stomach.
When I’m nervous when I have exam I sweat.
I get to est candy and chocolat.
hi teacher.
I am happy when spend time with my friends.we smiling.I feel sad when my dad goes on a trip.also when i don't look to my boyfrend.I am angry when my sisters grab mi things without my permission.
I'm happy when I receive good news, when I delivered my notebook later this year, when I play ball with my friends, and when my family is reunited.when I'm sad is because eh got a bad grade in my course, when I argue with my mother birds on small things, when I'm lonely and I have no one to share there is when I'm more sad.when I'm bitter because they do not and got what and wanted, and I'm angry because I'm not sure what and actually.and when I'm crying is because I have yelled something that I have not escho, or when a relative of mine died, or when they give me reason to mourn I get impotence...and when I'm nervous is because I am aware of what I have done and do not know if I will call attention, or when I'm giving an exam and do not know if what I'm doing will be alright....!!!this is my comment...(AlejandrO JuniOr RiOs Venegas)atte:yOur cOusin! see yOu!
I am happy when I spend time with my friends and with my boyfriend , also when I go to the parties and when my grandfather Came out to my house =D .
I am sad when I talk over with my sister and sometimes when my mom yells at me =( .
I am angry When my sister takes my clothes y when I get bad grades in school.
Hi teacher:
I'm happy when I spend time with my family or maybe when I go out with my friends. I appreciation this occasions so much because this persons are important for me. Also I'm happy when I travel with my mom to Puno. I like this city. For me it's the more beatiful.
I'm sad when I get bad news or when I argue with my mother, in this moments I usually cry.
I'm angry when my mom picks up things from my room and after I can't find my things. Also I'm angry when I feel helpless about some problems, but well It's normal sometimes in my house.
Atte Yaneth Fernandez
hello teacher
well I'm happy when I'm with my mom because she always buys me something or eat something and have not seen much work, I get sad when I see my mom because I have to clean my house or cook, well when I'm angry I go to my room and I close for anyone to see I'm upset or I see the person that made me angry and I look bad, when I'm sad I cry but sometimes when I'm angry because I am angry not only cry when I see dead animals or on the street I think many things when I'm nervous I get cold.
Hi! teacher:
Well, I am happy when I spend time with my family or go out with my sister.I am sad when I´m sick or
When take not good notes in my exams.I am angry when my sister talking for much hours with her friends and my not.Finally when I am nervous, I sweat or shaking. T.T (Magaly Castañeda S.- B-05)
Hi teacher:
There are many things that make me happy when I spend time with my family and my boyfriend. We go to cinema on the wekeends. Also when my family and my boyfriend spoil me.I am sad. When I see a girl or elderly abandoned in the street ask for tip. Also when I don`t look to my boyfriend because I don`t have time on the week.
I am angry. When my boyfriend is wrong.
when I am nervous I eat chocolate and candy.
cyntia olivares basic 5
Hi teacher:
There are many things that make me happy when I spend time with my family and my boyfriend. We go to cinema on the wekeends. Also when my family and my boyfriend spoil me.I am sad. When I see a girl or elderly abandoned in the street ask for tip. Also when I don`t look to my boyfriend because I don`t have time on the week.
I am angry. When my boyfriend is wrong.
when I am nervous I eat chocolate and candy.
Cyntia Olivares
basic 5
Post: Inter 4
My wish list
I wish I could speak french because I can study culinary art in CORDON BLEU in PARIS.
I wish I had a credit card because I need to buy many things and invite my friends.
I wish I lived in LOS OLIVOS because this distric is safe. there are two big supermaket and the people are pedestrian- friendly.
I wish I were tour guide because I can travel and meet people from different culture.
I wish I would travel with my family worldwide because We need to take a long vacation and visit the seven wonders of the world.
Whenever i get what i need with desire then i would be happy, I believe on people who respect others and their talk.
Letter templates
you said right.
I hate the people who lie every time.
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